
Clean & Declutter

2024-01-19T18:24:04+00:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Resources: Spring Cleaning: 5 Health Benefits to Decluttering Your Life - Mather Hospital Northwell Health The Mental Benefits of Decluttering - Ashley Beckwith and Emma Parkhurts, Utah State University (July 1, 2022) The Connection Between Decluttering, Cleaning, and Mental Health - Sheri Gordon, (April 3, 2023)

Help someone else

2024-01-19T18:24:33+00:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Resources: Articles 10 benefits of helping others - University College London - April 28, 2020 Helping people, changing lives: 3 health benefits of volunteering - Mayo Clinic Health System (August 1, 2023) How Helping Others Can Improve Your Mental Health - Dorchester Habitat for Humanity (Mar 1, 2022) Helping Others: Definition, [...]

Soak up sunshine

2023-12-03T22:19:16+00:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Resources: Articles National Sunscreen Day: The Benefits of Natural Sunshine At Work - CJ Eason, Forbes (June 26, 2023) Walking on Sunshine: The Light of Day Improves Mental Health - Gary Wenk Ph.D., Psychology Today (February 26, 2022) Benefits of moderate sun exposure - Harvard Health Publishing (January 20, 2017) Benefits [...]

Dig in the dirt

2023-11-24T21:57:56+00:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Resources: Articles Digging into the Health Benefits of Gardening - Kaylee Fang, The University of Texas Austin (July 20, 2023) Digging into the benefits of gardening - Mayo Clinic Health System (July 12, 2022) Dig this: If you're stressed, grab a shovel - Gorge County Media (November 9, 2022) Digging In The Dirt Really Does Make [...]


2023-11-22T17:50:12+00:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Resources: Articles Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke - Mayo Clinic Staff, Mayo Clinic Laugher: A New Prescription for Good Health - Kendal at Oberlin (June 12, 2023) The Healing Benefits of Humor and Laughter - US Department of Veterans Affairs Laughing is good for you - here's why - Case Western Reserve University [...]

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