Their is so much incredible research out on well-being, mental health, positive psychology, etc. I have compiled research that I’ve read or has been recommended to me, but don’t let it be the only thing you read. I encourage you to dive deeper and see what resonates with you.
This list will constantly grow and evolve. If you come across research you think should be added to the website, please let me know.
Wellbeing, Happiness & Mental Health

Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2023 (May 2024)

World Happiness Report (2024)

World Happiness Report (2022)

2023 Mental Health Benefits: Industry Benchmark Report – Calm

Mental Health Terminology – USAID (Sep 2023)

Health, Happiness and the Wellness Economy: An Empirical Analysis – Global Wellness Institute (Jan 2023)

Well-being is more than happiness and life satisfaction: a multidimensional analysis of 21 countries – Kai Ruggeri, Eduardo Garcia-Garzon, Áine Maguire, Sandra Matz & Felicia A. Huppert (19 Jun 2020)

World Happiness Report (2018)

Wellbeing at Work

Employee Wellbeing Is Key for Workplace Productivity – Gallup

Non-profit & Social Change

Wellbeing Inspires Welldoing – How Changemakers’ Inner Wellbeing Influences Their Work – The Wellbeing Project (2020)