
Wellbeing Collective

2024-09-30T22:24:44+00:00Categories: Wellbeing in Action|Tags: , |

Wellbeing Collective was started to create a safe space for people to share ideas, challenges, and successes for their own wellbeing journey. We are in a time with so much research and knowledge around wellbeing. Now is the time to put what we've learned into action! And now we can learn from one [...]


2024-09-06T14:40:29+00:00Categories: Research|Tags: , |

Their is so much incredible research out on well-being, mental health, positive psychology, etc. I have compiled research that I've read or has been recommended to me, but don't let it be the only thing you read. I encourage you to dive deeper and see what resonates with you. This list will constantly grow and [...]

Favorite Well-Being Tools

2024-09-05T20:59:16+00:00Categories: My Wellbeing Journey|Tags: |

I would say I started my well-being journey 15 years ago.  At the time I was having severe migraines, like for weeks at a time. I tried medication, but the side effects weren't something I could live with.  When I suggested a holistic approach to my physician, she responded with "are you really willing to do the [...]

Embracing Vulnerability

2024-09-05T20:32:10+00:00Categories: My Wellbeing Journey|Tags: |

Welcome to the scariest thing I've ever done...embracing vulnerability. I coach people on it all of the time.  I cheer them on.  Jokes on me, now that it's my turn. But here are some things I believe when I encourage you to  Catching Yourself Smiling. You will never smile, find joy, and have perfect well-being all of [...]

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