As you continue your search for knowledge, I’ve compiled articles that I’ve read or have been recommended to me.  I’ve also tried to categorize them so that they aren’t nearly as overwhelming to sort through. Please feel free to contact me if you have other articles you think should be added to this list.

Thank you for your patience as I build out this page. It will remain a living list that constantly grows

Organizational Wellbeing

Mental health at work – World Health Organization (2 Sep 2024)

Workplace Well-being Has Declined in the US – Posted by Johns Hopkins University – (3 Sep 2024)

What Is Employee Wellbeing? And Why Does It Matter? – Gallup

The Five Essential Elements of Well-Being – by Tom Rath and Jim Harter

Women x Wellbeing

Majority of U.S. Women Struggle to Prioritize Health – by Sarah Fioroni, Gallup (9 Jul 2024)

Intergenerational Trauma

Healthy Minds in Practice: Healing Intergenerational Trauma – Led by Ronné Wingate Sima – Center for Healthyminds, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Surgeon General addresses growing stress and mental health struggles facing parents – by Geoff Bennett, Stephanie Kotuby, Murrey Jacobson, Alexa Gold – PBS News Hour (28 Aug 2024)

Surgeon General: Parents Are at Their Wits’ End. We Can Do Better – by Vivek H. Murthy – New York Times (28 Aug 2024)